World Consumer Rights Day
15th March is World Consumer Rights Day. This annual consumer movement serves as a means to raise global awareness about consumer rights and needs.
NGB Communications Team – Gamble responsibly during festive seasons
Despite the challenges experienced during 2020 as a result of Covid-19, or perhaps because of those challenges
Interactive Gambling Is Illegal In South Africa
The National Gambling Board (NGB) has noted with concern that the issue of the legality of online or interactive gambling is the subject of debate in some circles.
Gambling Conference Opens up Regulators and Operators Dialogue
Gambling Conference Opens up Regulators and Operators Dialogue
Multimedia Campaign on Illegal Gambling
As the National regulator, the National Gambling Board (NGB) is committed to ensuring that the gambling industry is well regulated, and that all those operating in the gambling sphere in South Africa do so in compliance with the National Gambling Act 7 of 2004 together with the accompanying Regulations.