Purpose of the Programme
This programme provides strategic financial management support and procurement services to the organisation. Finance and Procurement Services facilitate the overall management of the NGB and provide strategic financial management support to the organisation. It is the custodian of financial resources. The division comprises of two units that provide specialised support services to the NGB.
The NGB, as an agency of the dtic and an organ of State, strives to be a cautious steward for the management of State resources allocated to it to carry out its mission. Section 74 of the NGA provides an opportunity for the NGB to grow its revenue base in addition to its grant allocation, the collection of any fees payable, or any other money accruing to the NGB from other sources.
The Finance and Procurement Services division combined the performance expectations outlined in the Business Plan with the fiscal accountability demonstrated by its ability to design and implement a financial model that alleviated its sole dependency on a grant allocation. It was crucial for the NGB to manage statutory reporting requirements and achieve its performance with great financial accountability.
The Finance and Procurement Services division combined the performance expectations outlined in the Business Plan with the fiscal accountability demonstrated by its ability to design and implement a financial model that alleviated its sole dependency on a grant allocation. It was crucial for the NGB to manage statutory reporting requirements and achieve its performance with great financial accountability.
The following sub-divisions contribute to the provision of services by the Finance and Procurement Services:
The Finance sub-programme maintains reliable financial records which are prepared regularly for both internal and external stakeholders. These financial records are presented to external auditors annually to obtain an independent opinion on whether the NGB’s financial records fairly present the state of its financial position, performance and cash flows. The NGB achieved a clean audit for the 2022/23 financial year, which is consistent with performance since 2015/16 FY.
The Supply Chain Management (SCM) sub-programme endeavors to procure goods and services in a manner that is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and costeffective. This is achieved by ensuring that goods and services procured are in line with the objectives of the NGB as set out in the Strategy and Annual Performance Plan. The SCM sub-programme also ensures that all procurement prescripts are complied with and that all SCM reporting requirements are met.
Internal controls include Finance and SCM strategies, policies and procedures which are reviewed annually to ensure their continued effectiveness and compliance with statutory requirements. These controls are tested by internal auditors to verify that they are adequate